June 1 new Goals the 12 Labors of Madison


So it’s been awhile since I posted something but I’m setting some new goals, I wanted to add some umph to them.  Sometimes just the word goal is so boring it doesn’t relay get me motivated.  I thought to myself why can’t I make my goal more monumental sounding because personal goals are monumental to the person who sets them .

So I decided to call my goals the 12 Labors of Madison after the 12 labors of Hercules.  Now, I’m not going to share with you all 12 goals just the two that pertain this workout blog.   The first is to achieve 7% body fat and the second to rep 315 (“my bench has always been weak.)  I’m going to take my time but hope to accomplish both by October.

The workouts will be similar to the past so read the past post with the exception that I will be lifting heavy 6-8 reps three sets for everything but legs. As far as diet I will be doing intermittent fasting with a low carb approach I will keep updates on that starting next week.

So let’s get back to working HAWRD.

June 1 new Goals the 12 Labors of Madison

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